कोलकाता डॉक्टर रेप मर्डर केस अब CBI के हाथ मे , कोर्ट में पुलिस ने किया ये खुलासा

कोलकाता हाईकोर्ट ने सुनाया फैसला डॉक्टर रेप मर्डर केस अब सीबीआई को सौंप दी गयी है कोलकाता के आरजी कर मेडिकल कॉलेज के अंदर जूनियर डॉक्टर के साथ रेप और मर्डर का केस अब देश भर चर्चा का विषय बन गया है इस केस पर हाईकोर्ट का बड़ा फैसला सामने आया अब इस केस को…

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Akhilesh Yadav commented on the Ayodhya gang rape case: said BJP using prapoganda over this sensitive case

BY. UNIBA GHAZI On Monday, Samajwadi party Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has criticized Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath over the Ayodhya gang rape case, blaming him of using political prapoganda in the incident. -> Akhilesh yadav speaks to reports: * about the Ayodhya gang rape case,Saying that UP Chief Minister politicsing the case. *…

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जानिए कौन है दृष्टि आईएएस , Drishti IAS के मालिक विकास दिव्यकीर्ति: कमाई जान कर दंग रह जाएंगे आप ; Who is Vikas Divyakirti net worth : Drishti IAS

पिछले कुछ सालों से सोशल मीडिया पर आपने रिल्स के माध्यम से या यूट्यूब पर विकास दिव्यकीर्ति को जरूर देखे होंगे विकास दिव्यकीर्ति अक्सर अपने मोटिवेशनल वीडियो के लिए सुर्खियों में रहते है बड़े बड़े सोशल मीडिया चैनल वाले उनका इंटरव्यू करते नजर आते है तो चलिए जानते है आखिर कौन है ये विकास दिव्यकीर्ति…

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Rahul Ghandi in Lok Sabha : Agnipath scheme has robbed the financial situation and respect of the country’s soilders

BY UNIBA GHAZI On july 29, Rahul Gandhi has claimed in the Parliament that the scheme Agnipath started by the ruling government has robbed the financial situation and respect of the country’s soilders. This scheme is harshly Criticized by the opposition party which led to the debate between Rahul Gandhi and union minister Rajnath Singh…

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Vision to make India a developed Nation by 2047: NITI Aayog’s governing council meeting of 2024

BY. UNIBA GHAZI On July 27, NITI Aayog’s 9th Governing council meeting was began under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The main focus of the meeting is to make India a developed nation by 2047. It Aime to promote active participative governance and collaboration between the Centre and State governments, enhancing the status…

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Finance Minister Sitharaman, Announced the 7th interim budget 2024 of the monsoon session

BY. UNIBA GHAZI On July 23, Nirmala Sitharaman presented the 7th interim budget of PM Modi’s (3.0) government. She announced various projects to start by the government for agriculture, manufacturing, and service sector development. She announced there would be major changes in the capital gains tax regimes and income tax regimes. Further, she added in…

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