By :- shams khan
Age of consent in India currently is 18 , but it has been increased over time , as justice dangre said posco pegging at 18, “probably highest in global , as majority of European country have set their age of consent in the range of 14 or 16.

What is age of consent ?
The age of consent is the minimum age at which a person is considered legally competent to consent to sexual act , a person younger than the age of consent cannot legally confirm that a sexual act in which they have participated was consensual . or we can say that ,they are not yet old enough to consent sex ,
As a result if a person over age engage with sexual activity with underage person , this activity may be may be considered as statutory rape .
In India
The posco act criminalized all sexual acts among those under 18b regardless of whether consent is present factual among the minor because the presumption of the law is that there is no consent n the legal sense among those below 18 .
The age of consent in Germany is 14 years old . provision for statutory rape is prison for 6 month to 10 year . but if , both partner age is under 18
South Korea
According to south Korea’s criminal act article 305 , the age of consent in south Korea is 20 year old , this is one of the oldest age of consent in the world , previously the age of consent in south Korea was 13 , one of the lowest in the world ,
Pakistan have very unique consent criteria , there is no consent age in Pakistan , all sexual activity is legal until marriage , although the minimum age of marriage for men is 18 and for women it is 16 , in some cases women are allowed to marry at 14 years old
United state
The age of consent in the united states varies from 16 to 18 year sexual activity wit partner under the age of consent in the jurisdiction is consider statutory rape ,

Need age of consent
- The minimum age of consent age of sexual consent is the age from which someone is deemed capable of consenting to sexual activities
- The main objective of the minimum age of consent is to protect adolescent from sexual abuse and from the consequences of early sexual activity on their rights and development
- Young adolescent may be lured into sexual activity by older adult in exchange for good and favour , making disadvantage setting and poor background particularly at risk
- Due to lack of information , adolescent are particularly vulnerable to sexual transmitted disease including HIV and aids
- Early sexual activity lead to early pregnancy and can impact reproductive organ of female
- Increase infant mortality rate if baby conceived .
What determine the minimum age of consent
There are multiple prespective that determine the ,minimum age of consent
- Regional and environment is major factor for puberty that why many country determine this as the age of consent
- Psychological factor
- Biological factor
- Considering things like cognitive capacity pscho – social maturity and emotional development