The Vocal Bharat

Self love – A delusion ?


What is self love and does it really stop a person from growing ? Is self love equivalent to self acceptance? These are some questions that will definitely arise in your mind if you are a beginner in that field of self love and just started reading books about it. There are so many takes on this topic from different people but one thing which is clear like a white snow is that its practice differs from person to person as everyone’s love language is different and you might wonder what a love language is? Then it’s a topic for different times. Now,let’s come back to self love,first the basic definition is loving yourself unconditionally , showing yourself the same love ,you show to your loved ones or the inner love in short and to next question does it affect our growth as that topic is growing and people are becoming more aware about it and accepting themselves as they are with no but and If. But some experts and gurus will argue that people stopped growing or developing as they are not working towards anything because they accepted their current position or self and some might even argue that change is the only constant So, why not change yourself but the one line I read in the book “Good life good vibe – by vex king ” and he wrote self love is accepting yourself as you are and also know you to need to be better that is the true sense of self love, understand that nobody is perfect and neither am I or you are but always accepting that yes you are enough and working on yourself. Just like toxic positivity exists, similarly toxic self-love exists where one doesn’t see any flaw and considers themselves perfect then stops like a stagnant water. In conclusion understand what is your problem or what itches you but still not letting it affect your self esteem but at the same time continuously working towards it to improve yourself with self acceptance.


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