Eris Variant Spreads: Global Health Authorities on Alert

by Abia Nisar

Covid 19’s new variant is EG.5.1 which is also called Eris.Eris is a descendant of Omicron and shares some of its symptoms. According to the ZOE Health Study, the five most common symptoms associated with this variant are a runny nose, headache, fatigue (ranging from mild to severe), sneezing, and a sore throat. The First case of Eris came into existence on 3rd July 2023. UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) alarmed all the neighboring countries and also Asian countries. This new variant has brought the infection to the headlines once again after a considerable gap of months. As per Zoe Health Study which led the large-scale study on COVID during the pandemic, a total of 808,140 people are currently predicted to have symptomatic COVID in the UK as on August 7. Many experts have stated that it is unlikely that this new Covid variant Eris will spread throughout the people in India, despite fears that it could start yet another pandemic wave in India. Just like the Covid 19 pandemic we need to take preventive measures to keep ourself protected from these viruses. The situation has prompted researchers to sound the alarm, warning of the possibility of another wave fueled by Omicron, Arcturus, and Eris subvariants.

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