by Uniba Ghazi

What is the first thing that came to our mind when we listen this word environment?

Everything present around us is basically what we call is environment consists of all living and non-living things around us. Yes, we human’s are also the part of the environment and holds a very unique and important responsibility to keep the living conditions good for our own benefits.
Environment also includes air, water, sunlight, plants and animals. It’s a pure sense of blessing and also good for our mental and physical health. Whenever we feel tired or stressed out we prefer peaceful places more like surrounded by tress, plants with beautiful flowers under the open sky with pure and fresh air that makes both the mind and heart free, comfortable and relaxed.

picture credit – OECD

On the other hand animals are also the cute and loyal creatures we had that are also the part of environment who only wants love and care and in return they do the same. But, we human’s have taken the things for granted and don’t pay attentions towards our surrounding. For increasing, there own profits people are cutting trees on larger scale that had caused Deforestration. People are not using water generousily and wasting it that has caused water depletion in many areas. Environmental circumstances are getting worsen day by day, environmental degradation occurs due to modern urbanization, pollution causing by the factories and chemicals that are used in that.
The only way to solve the problem is to work towards improving the condition of the environment and the simple or easy way is to prevent any further damage to the surroundings. Many projects were launched to spread awareness among the people to protect the environment because without air, water or land there would be no chance of any type of existence.

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