China- Nepal border trade points reopens, benefits to local people


Chain and nepal on Saturday, May 25 reopend their traditional border trade points after the four year of suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these trade played a very significant role in the development and welfare of border areas and have supported livelihoods.

Nepal’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Kaji Shreshta advised China to reopen the 14 traditional border points with the Tibetan Autonomous Region for the commerce and bilateral trade and for the movement of people as well.


According to the Xinhua news agency:- The reopening ceremony took place in Zhentang township on the China-Nepal border in the city of Xigaze, in southwest China’s Xizang, independent region ( a povital city for China’s opening up to South Asia, bordering India, Nepal and Bhutan, and hosting five trade land ports).

At the Zhentang trade point, 47 Nepali merchants and 110 Chinese merchants engaged in business involving over 50 types of goods, including daily needs, food and beverages, agricultural products, Nepalese handicrafts and building materials.

Director of Municipal Commerce bureau, Feng Xuecheng, said that traditional border trade has payed a very great role in the development and prosperity of the border areas. It has supported the livelihood of the people living in the borders. He further mentioned, “we plan to improve border trade infrastructure and promote further trade and economic exchanges between China and Nepal.

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