Protests has been going on in Bangladesh, students from hundreds of universities are holding rallies for weeks in Dhaka and many other cities. But on Thursday this protest become so violent that students set state TV headquarters on fire.
Around 32 people have been killed and over 2,500 are injured in Bangladesh due to the violence caused by the students who are demanding Quota System reform for government jobs and opposing the decision made my Sheikh Hasina government for the Quota System.

This protests began last month after the decision made my the Hasina government and Supreme Court have given the date of 7 August for the further verdict. But these protests took massive turn after Hasina refused to Meet the students. The violence forces authorities to close all the rail services inside the capital as well as railway services to Dhaka. Further the government ordered to shutdown the mobile internet servers across different parts of the country.
The main motive of the students to ask for more Than half of government jobs for specific groups, including Children of retired soldiers from the 1971 liberation war against Pakistan.
The prime minister announced judicial enquiry “to ensure fair and just trial in the recent unwanted incidents including killings.” “On whose instigation the conflict started, who for what purpose pushed the country to an anarchic situation, will be investigated and found out,” she said. “But it is a matter of regret that some quarters took advantage of the movement to fulfil their unacceptable ambitions through terrorist activities”, she added.
Source taken from Hindustan times and the Indian Express